Take a leave, internship, sabbatical, or semester abroad.

Things are different elsewhere. They may not be better, but at least they are different.

You may learn that there is a way to be treated well professionally that you didn’t realize. Or that abusive behaviours you accepted from your institution are clarified when they also happen at a different institution. The important thing is that your institution is not “just how the world is.”

Most institutions allow for leave, internships, or going abroad. Although it is sometimes presented as a nuclear option, leave can be quite easy to obtain, particularly if you have a medical reason for going on leave. Of course, you need to find a way to pay for your time outside of the institution. If at all possible, have this plan in place before you take leave. The institution does not need to know about what you do when you are on leave: you can work at a coffee shop, company, or simply rest. If they require reports from you, then you are not truly on leave. Be clear that this is your time to heal.

Internships are often encouraged by institutions, but discouraged by supervisors who would prefer that you labour for them. You are very likely an extremely desirable candidate for many internships if you are in grad school. You can arrange them without your supervisor’s knowledge or permission if needed: the company usually doesn’t care. They may consider it a formality or sign of respect to ask your supervisor, but they are more interested in using you for your knowledge and labour than worried about a different institution’s rules.

Studying abroad is also often encouraged by institutions and governments. You can find a wide variety of grants that are designed to help you study in a different part of the world. Even if your institution typically requires you to submit grants with the permission of your supervisor, it is often the case that anyone can act as a reference or PI for a grant. You can test the waters with your supervisor: if they are supportive, take the chance. If they are not, arrange something in secret.